We are not the last generation.
We are one of the first.
Science and a strong economy have the power to preserve the world for us humans. Let's use them.
Located in Bavaria - at home all over the world.
The IWH, based in Rosenheim, Bavaria, is located in one of the most natural and economically strongest regions in the world. From here we inspire courageous scientists and visionary entrepreneurs internationally for the possibilities of alternative hydrological products.

"For a better world, we don't sit on the street, we stand in the laboratory."
We believe that idealism alone is not enough to further develop our planet and the use of its resources. Only if we offer the economy real added value when using alternative technologies can they establish themselves on the market in the long term. So that environmental protection does not remain a luxury, but rather becomes a catalyst for higher returns.

"We want to offer solutions when others are just discovering the problem."

From theory to practice
The institute's guiding principle is to think in terms of practical solutions. That's why we develop new hydrological solutions every day in our laboratories and test operations that move the industry forward in healthy ways.
Located in Bavaria - at home all over the world.
The IWH, based in Rosenheim, Bavaria, is located in one of the most natural and economically strongest regions in the world. From here we inspire courageous scientists and visionary entrepreneurs internationally for the possibilities of alternative hydrological products.